Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Nintendo Says No 3D in Wii 2

The Wii is a sinking ship. After a few years of excitement over its motion controls, it's starting to sit near our TVs, collecting dust, while the Xbox 360′s Kinect and PlayStation 3′s Move motion controllers rake in the dough and win our hearts. Nintendo knows that its Wii can't compete without getting high definition graphics and a beefier processor to handle games on par with the 360 and PS3. But Nintendo is an outward thinker, it released the DS, the first successful touchscreen handheld gaming device and the Wii, the first successful home console with motion controllers. And just recently, it launched the 3DS, the first glasses-free 3D handheld. With Nintendo pushing 3D so hard, people would think that 3D has a big chance at making its way to the Wii's successor, no? Heck, Nintendo even showed off a prototype demo of a Wii running Mario Kart in 3D. Wrong. Nintendo of America's president, Reggie Fils-Aime has effectively shot down that idea. Nintendo says that in order for 3D to work, it needs to do so without the glasses. We couldn't agree more, which is fine by us.

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