Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Super Pong Table sees four players duke it out

Ah, Pong – who can forget the seminal video game that actually made kids more interested to sit in front of the TV even during beautiful summer days, many years down the road? The simple idea of sliding sticks around to return a bouncing ball has certainly evolved to a whole lot more in 2011, but let us pause for a moment and see how one can improve a real classic. Instructables has the answer in the form of the Super Pong Table, where it paves the way for up to a quartet of players as well as five balls per game, where through the help of 900 LEDs and four Atari paddle controllers, you can have some 4-way mayhem in the middle of your living room – just don't get too excited and knock over that cup of tea in the proces. Basically, the first player to reach 20 points gets their very own “YOU WIN” light up display.

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