Monday, April 4, 2011

Samsung Galaxy Neo Android Phone with T-DMB support

Samsung Galaxy Neo - Samsung just announced a new android smartphone. Samsung's new Galaxy neo will be a smartphone Korea targeted to upper middle class segment. Galaxy Neo Exterior Samsung Ace is identical to the Galaxy, but on the rear panel, reminiscent of the bigger brother of the Galaxy Tab.

Feature specification Galaxy NEO has a screen resolution upgrade to WVGA (800 x 480 pixels) and there is support for T-DMB. Bluetooth also has been promoted to version 3.0. The camera has a 3-megapixel resolution and has lost its autofocus capability.
Galaxy NEO uses a 800MHz processor and 512MB of RAM and runs on OS Android 2.2 Froyo. In addition there is support for Wi-Fi (802.11b/g/n), 3.5mm audio jack and battery 1500 mAh.

from the specifications, the level of Samsung Galaxy Neo is between Galaxy I9001 S Plus and Galaxy Ace. So far no information about the price of Samsung Galaxy Neo or remove the possibility of a global version of the Galaxy neo.
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